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Plotly - Animated Map Scatter Plot

By James Kolean on Aug 18, 2022
Source repository: https://gitlab.com/jameskolean/gatsby-plotly-animated-map-scatter-plot
Demo: https://jameskolean.gitlab.io/gatsby-plotly-animated-map-scatter-plot/

Let’s do a more advanced Plotly example. I don’t see any tutorials on Map plot animations. It took me quite a while to get this right, although I don’t know why. Now that I have the solution, it seems obvious,

To get started, create a new Gatsby project following my [previous post(https://jameskolean.tech/post/2022-05-31-gitlab-pages-gatsby/).

Add the React Plotly wrapper to our project with the types.

npm install react-plotly.js plotly.js
npm install --save-dev @types/plotly.js
npm install @loadable/component

We need loadable/components because Plotly must run on the Browser. It can not be statically generated. So we need to import Plotly like this.

const Plot = loadable(() => import("react-plotly.js"));

What we need to do to make this work is: Create a Map plot as usual with some Traces. Create Frames containing just the information that changes between the frames. Configure the Layout with animation controls.

Step 1: Create a Map Scatter Plot

// /src/pages/index.tsx

import * as React from "react";
import loadable from "@loadable/component";
import type {
} from "gatsby";

const IndexPage = () => {
    const Plot = loadable(() => import("react-plotly.js"));

    function createTraces(): Partial < Plotly.PlotData > [] {
        return [];

    function createFrames(): Partial < Plotly.Frame > [] {
        return [];

    function createLayout(): Partial < Plotly.Layout > {
        return {};

    function createConfiguration(): Partial < Plotly.Config > {
        return {};
    return ( <
        main >
        h1 > Animated Map Plot Example < /h1> <
        Plot data = {
        frames = {
        layout = {
        config = {
        /> < /
        main >

export default IndexPage;

Create a Simple Layout

const CENTER = {
    lat: 42.838249,
    lon: -83.200787

function createLayout(): Partial < Plotly.Layout > {
    return {
        datarevision: 1,
        autosize: false,
        height: 500,
        title: "Example Animated Map",
        hovermode: "closest",
        showlegend: false,
        xaxis: {
            visible: false
        yaxis: {
            visible: false
        mapbox: {
            style: "carto-positron",
            zoom: 10,
            center: CENTER,

Create some traces

function createTraces(): Partial < Plotly.PlotData > [] {
    return [{
            name: "trace1",
            text: "Trace One",
            type: "scattermapbox",
            mode: "markers",
            lat: [CENTER.lat],
            lon: [CENTER.lon],
            marker: {
                size: 30,
                color: "red",
                opacity: 0.5,
            hoverinfo: "text",
            name: "trace2",
            text: "Trace Two",
            type: "scattermapbox",
            mode: "markers",
            lat: [42.8248],
            lon: [-83.2647],
            marker: {
                size: 20,
                color: "blue",
                opacity: 0.5,
            hoverinfo: "text",

At this point, you should be able to run it and see your map.

Step 2: Create some frames

For the first trace, let’s change the marker. On the second trace, we will change the position.

function createFrames(): Partial < Plotly.Frame > [] {
    return [{
            name: `frame_0`,
            data: [{
                    marker: {
                        size: 30,
                        color: "red",
                        opacity: 0.5,
                    lat: [42.8248],
                    lon: [-83.2547],
            name: `frame_1`,
            data: [{
                    marker: {
                        size: 45,
                        color: "orange",
                        opacity: 0.75,
                    lat: [42.8248],
                    lon: [-83.2447],
            name: `frame_1`,
            data: [{
                    marker: {
                        size: 50,
                        color: "yellow",
                        opacity: 1.0,
                    lat: [42.8248],
                    lon: [-83.2647],

Step 3: Add controls to the Layout

function createLayout(): Partial < Plotly.Layout > {
    return {
        datarevision: 1,
        autosize: false,
        height: 500,
        title: "Example Animated Map",
        hovermode: "closest",
        showlegend: false,
        xaxis: {
            visible: false
        yaxis: {
            visible: false
        mapbox: {
            style: "carto-positron",
            zoom: 10,
            center: CENTER,
        updatemenus: [{
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            yanchor: "top",
            xanchor: "left",
            showactive: false,
            direction: "left",
            type: "buttons",
            pad: {
                t: 87,
                r: 10
            buttons: [{
                    method: "animate",
                    args: [
                            mode: "immediate",
                            fromcurrent: true,
                            transition: {
                                duration: 300
                            frame: {
                                duration: 500,
                                redraw: true
                    label: "Play",
                    method: "animate",
                    args: [
                            mode: "immediate",
                            transition: {
                                duration: 0
                            frame: {
                                duration: 0,
                                redraw: false
                    label: "Pause",
        }, ],
        // Finally, add the slider and use `pad` to position it
        // nicely next to the buttons.
        sliders: [{
            pad: {
                l: 130,
                t: 55
            currentvalue: {
                visible: true,
                prefix: "Frame:",
                xanchor: "right",
                font: {
                    size: 20,
                    color: "#666"
            steps: [{
                    method: "animate",
                    label: "0",
                    value: "frame_0",
                    args: [
                            mode: "immediate",
                            transition: {
                                duration: 300
                            frame: {
                                duration: 300,
                                redraw: true
                    method: "animate",
                    label: "1",
                    value: "frame_1",
                    args: [
                            mode: "immediate",
                            transition: {
                                duration: 300
                            frame: {
                                duration: 300,
                                redraw: true
                    method: "animate",
                    label: "2",
                    value: "frame_2",
                    args: [
                            mode: "immediate",
                            transition: {
                                duration: 300
                            frame: {
                                duration: 300,
                                redraw: true
        }, ],

Run the site now with gatsby develop , and you will be able to play the animation.

The transitions don’t appear to work. I’m leaving that for another day.

© Copyright 2024 Digital Garden cultivated by James Kolean.